Stay Warm, Stay Happy in Pittsburgh with Staab & Sons, Inc.

Welcome to Staab & Sons, Inc–the supermen of heating services in Pittsburgh, PA, saving households from the brutal winter one furnace at a time. We believe in keeping warm, both in body and spirits, because who has time to turn into a human icicle in the depths of winter? Not you, for sure.

West Mifflin, We Got Your Back!

From West Mifflin to Carnegie, through Bethel Park, all the way to South Park, PA – our superior heating services arrive quicker than hot chocolate on a frosty evening. Need furnace replacement? Or, a brand new heater installation? Staab & Sons swoop in faster than you say “brr”.

Call us the Furnace Whisperers!

Yes, that’s right! We don’t just provide furnace service, but we also hear their deepest, darkest secrets. Creaking noises at night? Unusual sounds? These might be signs you need a furnace repair. So why wait? You don’t want to be cozied up under five blankets, do you?

So whether you’re in Pittsburgh, PA or Bethel park, shake off those winter blues and ensure a cozy, warm home with your true heating heroes – Staab & Sons, Inc!